Chanookie Coit, Founder/Executive Director, of NOOKS HOUSE, a nonprofit organization serving homeless youth through the use of Hip Hop therapy. Nook's House offers Hip Hop Music Wellness workshops that provide youth with Hip-hop history and engages them in the healing practices that occur while creating Hip-hop music.

Due to issues beyond her control, at the early age of 14, Chanookie entered the NYC Group Home system. After being moved from residence to residence, she decided to AWOL. Being on the streets was no easy task for a young female in the Bronx, it quickly led to gang activity, and hustling. Without any family or resources, Chanookie was able to navigate her way out of the streets. At the early age of 19, she landed her own show on “Blok Parties” on Blok TV. It was then she started building a name for herself by interviewing celebs on the red carpet, such as Trey Songz, Maino, Mario, to name a few. She also collaborated with the VideoCityTv show, a staple Hip Hop tv show in the NYC area that highlights its local talent.

Although Chanookie excelled in entertainment, she wanted to work with purpose. She spent her twenties working at local nonprofits where she held roles providing linkages for housing stability, wellness, and other supportive services to the homeless population here in NYC. Some of her roles included providing case management for homeless families at CAMBA and Advocacy support to homeless youth at Safe Horizon’s Streetwork program. Knowing how influential Hip Hop music had been in her life while overcoming adversity, she wanted to create a space where homeless youth could get the same experience. She decided to combine her experience on the streets, in entertainment, and in nonprofit work, and Nook's House Hip Hop Music Wellness program was born.

Chanookies plan is to expand the Hip-Hop Music Wellness program to bring awareness to the benefits it has for the youth. She also plans to open a young adult residence with innovative transitional programming in the very near future.

Nooks House, Inc.